Sunday, December 29, 2019

Outlook On Kenyan Development Kenya - 941 Words

Outlook on Kenyan Development Kenya is a third world country in Eastern Africa, with bright opportunities to develop into an african superpower. They have been a state since 1963 and before Kenya was independent, they were apart of the British Empire. Kenya’s capital is Nairobi, which also happens to be the center of industrial activities and the economy. Kenya’s development appears to be heading in a good direction as their GDP is rising, as well as their population to furthermore expand the economy. Although most people are working in agriculture the country is beginning to become more industrialized to boost the economy. The Republic of Kenya is a growing and expanding country with a positive outlook which could make them a powerhouse of the economy and change in Africa. Kenya has recently agreed to a deal with South Korea that will boost their economy significantly and contribute to the necessary food security of the people. They will be given 5 billion Kenyan shillings, about 50 million USD, to help with food security from South Korea. South Korea will help Kenya further along in development by helping to expand and secure needs of the Kenyan people, â€Å"Kenya had signed pacts with South Korea which will help it become an economic, industrial, and technological powerhouse in the region.† (Mukami). Kenya’s economic development will help boost various parts of the country’s essential ways of helping life. Given the extra money they’ll be able to add infrastructure, secureShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Uganda And Uganda Are Neighbours892 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction: Kenya and Uganda are neighbours. They are all within East Africa together with Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan. Even though they are within the same region; their development status in agriculture, industrialization, democracy, health, and education economies differ greatly. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Assignment on Hr Promotion Transfer - 14234 Words

Meaning of Promotion Promotion is given to that employee who proves them extremely qualified or deserves promotion. It is of inspiration as well as compensation. When an employee works with his full attempt and makes good result he /she is rear-warded with promotion. Promotion stimulates self-development and creates interest in the job. According to Yoder-,â€Å"promotion provides incentive to initiative, enterprise and ambition; minimizes discontent and unrest; attracts capable individuals; necessitates logical training for advancement and forms an effective reward for loyalty and cooperation, long service etc.† Promotion is defined as giving higher position to the employee, which carries high status more responsibilities and higher status.†¦show more content†¦For example, a pharmaceutical company could have a promotion policy that its field representatives must adhere to when they meet with doctors to promote a drug. Individual contributors must be eligible for promotions that recognize and reward their role as contributors. A promotion is a powerful communication tool about what is valued within an organization. Thus, a promotion must be available to employees who play any role in the contribution of work and value. Examples of a Promotion These are examples of a promotion: * HR Assistant receives a promotion to HR Generalist * HR Generalist receives a promotion to a dual role of HR Generalist and Employee Development Coordinator * HR Generalist is given a promotion to HR Manager * HR Manager is given a promotion to Manager of Human Resources and Administration * HR Manager is promoted to HR Director * HR Director receives a promotion to HR Vice President * HR Vice President becomes Vice President of Global Human Resources or Vice President of Talent Acquisition, Management, and Development. Importance of promotion Promotion is important because it is helps employee or worker. Promotion attracts more potential where the shifting of employees forms one job to another within the same organizationShow MoreRelatedGrievance Redressal System1680 Words   |  7 PagesAn Assignment on â€Å"Grievance Redressal System Of J.P.Morgan Chase Co.† Submitted By: Nitya Sec- A Enroll no.- A30101910037 AGBS, Noida Grievance Redressal System A grievance can be defined as any sort of dissatisfactionRead MoreThe Hr Trend : Greater ( Job ) Mobility1692 Words   |  7 PagesThe HR Trend – Greater (Job) Mobility Human resources professionals who have sole HR responsibilities for their organization are faced with 10 trends affecting HRM. Thus, planning for and adapting to these changes in the workplace becomes an integral part of the HR professional’s job (10 Workplace Trends that Will Affect HR, n.d.). The video highlights ten (10) trend affecting human resources management, one such being Greater (Job) Mobility. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Catching Up free essay sample

My family and I used to be close when i was a child, i always recieved good grades throughout elementary school and i tries my hardest to make my parents proud. Then an unfortunate circumstance we call middle school occured, i decided to go into what basically amount to honors classes and it started out alright. I had previously ended last year (6th grade) with around half As and half Bs and my parents were happy; my first report card in 7th grade was different though, it wasnt an A/B report card it was a B average report card, with a new blemish i hadnt ever had before, a D. My parents attempted to stop the possibility of me thinking this would be an exceptable grade by punishing me, i didnt take it well and decided that hey i got an idea, im going to do what i want and never talk to my parents or ask for their help, that will show them im mature and can handle myself, it turns out that my idea went about as bad as possible, i fumbled through the rest of my middle school career w ith most likely a C average. We will write a custom essay sample on Catching Up or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then highschool came around, freshmen year i put in alot more effort and my grade were at a 3.2 gpa. Next year my gpa took a hit and fell to a 2.5, I was immature at the end of sohpmore year and just made excuses, I wasnt sure what had really happened but i now know, I had an extremely fun year in 8th grade and had a great time socially, i wanted to get better grades so i could hangout with my friends more. Freshman year i had a very hard time socially though, i was childish and so were my used to be friends, i dont want to get into the details but i got hurt emotionally and it killed my drive to get good grades, i didnt see any reason to get good grades other then to be able to have more freedome anyways. This oh my life is so hard boo hoo apathetic attitude continued till the middle of junior year, something happened, something really significant; i got home from school and my report card had already gotten to my house via mail, my grades werent good and my dad broke down in tear s crying, he said Jacob, your mother invests so much in you, (emotionally) you always lie to her and tell her you will get better grades, you always tell her you will do this and that and improve! Your mother and I are having a tough time in our marriage right now and she is always upset, i just know it, please give her something to be happy for, please get goood grades, make your mother happy son she loves you so much she just wants you to succeed. You have to do better rather grades mean anything or not to you they do to colleges, you dont want to be my age and do construction for your friends because you need some extra money, its no life you want, please son, just get better grades. This was the tipping point i decided that if i wanted something i needed to give it my all, my grades all steadily improved from then on out, so has every other aspect of my life. There is only one thing i truely believe is always true when it comes to getting what you want, if you arent chasing something with all your drive, you shouldnt expect to catch it.